You Can Help Save Red Bank Central Park!
Your personal actions can help save Red Bank Central Park in numerous important ways:
Donate to our GoFundMe campaign, which will enable us to take more steps that will be important but may be costly.
Contact Red Bank city officials so they hear, see and finally realize how many people want Red Bank Central Park saved completely.
Call them!
Email them!
Show up at meetings of the Board of Commissioners!
Speak up in support of the Park during public comment periods!
VOTE for 2022 Red Bank Commissioner candidates who support Save Red Bank Central Park!! Ask all the candidates to state their position clearly. Then state your position, so they know there are many of us.
Show your support with a Save Red Bank Central Park bumper sticker or yard sign, or by handing out information.
Talk to your family, friends and neighbors about the Park, about what it could become, and how important its potential is to the future vibrancy of the Red Bank community.
Use the Park! The more people and events that use the Park, even in its open undeveloped condition, the harder it is for city officials to ignore its importance to our community. Go out yourself, or host your own event! Have a picnic, throw a frisbee, ride your bike, fly a kite, have a barbeque or cornhole tournament, watch birds … there are so many possibilities!
Take pictures or videos and write testimonials about your use of the Park. Post them on your own social media and on our Facebook page!
Help us document the plants and animals that already call the Park home, so everyone will know more about what stands to be lost if the Park is sold and covered with asphalt and houses.
Clean up litter at the Park, make it look like our community cares about it.
Sign the petition we will launch soon. Help us implement a petition drive.